‘Somatics’ in derived from a Greek word ‘somatikos’ , which signifies the living body in its wholeness. It relates to the physical body as well as the cognitive part of us. When we are born, we only have a body. A body that is uniquely ours in many ways. We learn love, security, anger, hunger, trust and much more through this body.
It relates to the physical body as well as the cognitive part of us. When we are born, we only have a body. A body that is uniquely ours in many ways. We learn love, security, anger, hunger, trust and much more through this body.
And as we grow we start learning from our parents, care-takers, society, circumstances, culture and all. We then form ideas about things and people and events as the cognitive mind takes over. In this process, the body is still there with us like a faithful friend, but we somehow stop listening to it.

What is Somatics?
Somatics are specific body practices that we can adopt so that we tap into this vast intelligence of our body, that can help us develop new awareness of what we love, what we are scared of, what we want and this awareness will help us develop habits of living which will in-turn help us have richer experiences at work and home to feel fully alive to life!
Body Intelligence
Our body is made up of more than 50 trillion cells and communication between them happens at a speed that is faster than light!
The common myth - The brain trains the body!
Look at the diagram below that shows the other way round is also true - The body also trains the mind!
Change your habits of thinking and feeling to change your results!
Try this - When you feel low, stressed, anxious - smile and think of a happy memory or hug someone you love for 20 seconds atleast and you will notice your stress levels reduce and you will be able to think clearly.
This is your body training your mind to think differently.
Body Intelligence
Your body keeps working even when you sleep. All your food is digested, your organs still keep working and communicating with each other to keep you alive!
When you smile, hug someone you love, the body releases endorphins (chemicals released by the body to relieve stress) which makes a person feel happier.
Where can you begin?
Let’s have a 30 minute conversation and I will talk to you deeper about the relation we have with our bodies and how changing that will help your results!

My relation with Somatics -
I am an expert in the “Body of a Leader” subject, and have worked with leaders of organizations in building practices around getting these leaders to “listen” more actively to their bodies, and the bodies of people who they lead and interact with.
I am a contributing author in a leadership best-seller called Become, by Sameer Dua where I have contributed Somatic Practices.
7 years experience in being a Somatic Leader at Institute for Generative Leadership, Asia
Trained by Master Somatic Coach - Josephina Santiago & Founder of IGL - Bob Dunham,
Certified in ‘Power of Embodied Transformation’ by Coaches Rising, Netherlands.
Dance Movement Therapist certified from The International Dance Council, France and Creative Movement Therapy Association of India.

There will be days when things go wrong..
There will be days when all efforts seem hopeless..
Just remember "You are made to be Unstoppable and have come thus far!"
Dust yourself, get up and get going!
-Sheeja Shaju
To the amazing mentor and coach you are!
One more step, One more lift, A little bit higher, A little bit faster - pushing your limit a little more every time until you forget you have limits.
Becoming aware, embracing yourself, looking for space of abundance, taking responsibility of your emotions and creating what you want to you become!
Manifesting the possibilities and making intention a reality.
The most powerful - "It is what it is and It is what it is not"
To the whole new seeing - Unlimited, big and large!
Thank you Sheeja for all you have done! Big big gratitude.